Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Stop the Fight ! Stop the Fight !

Don't look now but Judge Alito is smashing these liberal senators on the Judiciary Committee, Republican and Democrat alike. He's turning them into a bunch of Duane Bobicks and Big John Tates, and if they don't stop it soon they'll all turn into Bennie " Kid " Parets.

These liberal stumblebums can't even ask questions. They give 15 minute disssertations that their staffs prepare beforehand. As soon as Alito gets them off their scripts, he buries them. I love the way some call him Judge Alioto, apparently confusing him with former San Francisco mayor Joseph Alioto who represented Al Davis in his law suit against the NFL. I guess to liberals we "I" - talians all look alike or at least sound alike. They do this purposely I believe because he is a conservative. Do you think if Mario Cuomo were nominated, they would call him Perry Como ? I think not.

This is just a big show for their Socialist/Move On.org supporters. All of these liberals prejudged Judge Alito before the hearings even began. None of them had any intention of ever voting for him. They claim he's not mainstream. Ruth Bader Ginsburg anyone.

The great news is that Judge Alito will be confirmed and the Libs know it. They're dead. May President Bush get the opportunity to make one more nomination before his term expires.


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