Monday, January 09, 2006

Careful on the politically motivated rooting interests

If you are looking for a red state team in a fairly red city, you might end up in, GULP, Dallas! So proceed with caution!

This brings up a question that Dan is probably best prepared to answer: what are this country's most conservative large cities? All this red state/blue state stuff elides the real divide: urban vs non-urban. There are blue cities and red suburbs/exurbs/rural areas. But what are the "reddest" cities?

Obviously, there are some like Salt Lake City, that are pretty red. But what about Phoenix? Dallas? Kansas City? Are there any east of the Mississippi, north of the Mason-Dixon Line? Nashville is not inhospitable to the GOP, and might have voted overall for Bush, but it is not clearly a red city. I am sure Atlanta is blue. What about Birmingham, with its large black population?

So give it to us Dan: what are the most conservative-friendly (in terms of actual voting) large cities in the country?


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