More Franklin photos - part II
UPDATE (June 7, 2006): I had removed these posts as things didn't work out quite the way I thought they would. However, things are back on track for our move, even though I will be working in Hermitage rather than Columbia. It's a long story for another day. Suffice it to say that I am thrilled with how things turned out.
Here are the rest:

The view as you enter through the front door. Stairs to the right, study to the left, closet is first door past the French (We surrender!) doors to the study, and the half bath is the next door down on the left. Straight ahead is the family room; the window dead ahead looks out onto the screened in porch. Left of that you get a glimpse of a portion of the hearth room.

Pretty classic stairway to the right.

A view of the neighborhood and the backsides of Angela and the realtor, a guy named Maik (pronounced Mike) Lowe - he says it's German, but I think his parents couldn't spell very well.
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