Who's Practicing McCarthyism now?

They jokingly refer to me as "Buchanan" at work, and can't seem to figure out why I smile every time they do so. The West L.A. crowd is in disbelief that I take it as a compliment!
Go Pat!
Here is another excerpt from yesterday's Buchanan story that Daria referenced. Dan also forwarded a copy of the same story. Nothing gets by the QuadSquadders!...
It was during the second day of questioning that Sam Alito's wife broke down, wept and left the room after hearing Sen. Kennedy imply that her husband was a bigot.
What was Kennedy's evidence?
In 1985, Sam Alito belonged to Concerned Alumni of Princeton. He had joined to protest the ouster of ROTC from campus. Alito was neither an officer nor active, but like future Sen. Bill Bradley, he joined.
What were CAP's sins? Headed by National Review publisher William Rusher, CAP had a magazine called Prospect that carried an essay opposing affirmative action and regretting that Princeton had ever gone co-ed.
Yet support for single-sex education, as practiced at Smith and dozens of women's colleges, is hardly a mark of bigotry. And opposition to affirmative action and quotas is core conservative dogma.
So, what is going on here? Answer: a smear. Because Judge Alito belonged to an alumni group that had a magazine which had an offensive article, he must share those views. Therefore, he is a bigot and the Senate must reject him as morally unqualified to sit on the Supreme Court.
This is a textbook example of what liberals used to call McCarthyism.
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