Thursday, January 12, 2006

Teddy Takedown

Best line:

Ted Kennedy – the heavy drinking guy whose immorality actually has a body-count.

Crux of the post:

The sad fact is that entering the Supreme Court-level of public service means you have to endure the crude efforts of men like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to humiliate you, distort your background, and ruin your reputation and your life. It’s a bit like throwing the Christians to the lions, except the lions say “aaah,” “puzzled,” and “extreme” a lot. Actually, I shouldn’t make light of it. Spectacles like yesterday’s are an obscenity.

PS: I just read a great post at former liberal Roger L. Simon's site; he links to a site with a page all about Chappaquiddick. I'll be reading it later tonight, wondering how a killer gasbag like Teddy Kennedy can pretend to sit in judgment of Sam Alito, or nearly anyone else for that matter.


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