Friday, January 13, 2006

The Treacherous NY Times and the Courage of Retail Clerks

Check out this disturbing story:

Federal agents have launched an investigation into a surge in the purchase of large quantities of disposable cell phones by individuals from the Middle East and Pakistan, ABC News has learned.

The phones — which do not require purchasers to sign a contract or have a credit card — have many legitimate uses, and are popular with people who have bad credit or for use as emergency phones tucked away in glove compartments or tackle boxes. But since they can be difficult or impossible to track, law enforcement officials say the phones are widely used by criminal gangs and terrorists. ... "There's very little audit trail assigned to this phone. One can walk in, purchase it in cash, you don't have to put down a credit card, buy any amount of minutes to it, and you don't, frankly, know who bought this," said Jack Cloonan, a former FBI official who is now an ABC News consultant.Law enforcement officials say the phones were used to detonate the bombs terrorists used in the Madrid train attacks in March 2004. The FBI is closely monitoring the potentially dangerous development, which came to light following recent large-quantity purchases in California and Texas, officials confirmed.

Thank God for the store clerks in Texas and California who had the presence of mind to put the safety of Americans ahead of PC Concerns....if only the so-called "intellectuals" at the the NY Times could share the same high regard for their own country and its citizens!

Reliapundit makes the alarming observation that these purchases were made on the heels of the Times' treacherous NSA leak:

ALL of these large sales came RIGHT AFTER the NYTIMES NSA leak (12/15/05). Though this is circumstantial, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE that the leak alerted the sleeper cells HERE (and perhaps elsewhere), and that they are adapting their SOP's as a result; thus, they are making it tougher for us to prevent an attack.

Ahh, the irony: Those for whom the Islamo-fascists hold the most contempt --and are therefore one of the direct causes of their fanatical hatred -- are the same ones who repeatedly hurl their vitriol at President Bush and undermine his efforts in the War on Terror. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! This would be humorous if the United States wasn't engaged in a battle for its very survival. But when you are suffering from Bush-Derangement Syndrome, regard for one's countrymen is of little import.


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