Friday, January 06, 2006

Thanks, Dan

From the history link on the left, we find other happenings on January 6, 1964;

January 6, 1964 Charlie Finlay announces he wants to move Kansas City A's to Louisville

January 6, 1964 Rolling Stones' 1st tour as headline act (with Ronettes)

Charlie O., favorite son of LaPorte, Indiana, must have gotten lost on the way to one of Dan's former home towns.

I heard from Maris & Al and Carolyn by phone, and I spoke with Mom earlier today, so it's been a good day.

Bruce - I posted the predictions before sitting down with the current Gold Sheet. Seems that we don't agree across the board. That's why they line 'em up and play 'em. I do think that the Panthers are going to shut down Eli and that the NY media will stop paying attention to the post-season and bemoan the future of the Giants. Remember what Fox and the Panthers did to McNabb and the weak receiving corps of 2003?

Anyway, remember that it's Little Christmas in Italy, and that they exchange gifts today, which actually makes more sense, as this is the day of the Epiphany, the manifestation of the Christ child to the outside world in the persons of the Magi, who delivered gifts. With my birthday on the Epiphany, I get gifts on Christmas AND my birthday, so please don't think of the preceding as a complaint in any way.


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