Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Paulie!

Just wanted to wish Quad-Squad's founder, Paulie, a very Happy Birthday....hope all of your wishes come true!

Mom, Ralph and I just returned from seeing "Walk the Line," the new movie about the life of Johnny Cash. As most of you know, I am very selective when it comes to giving Hollywood my money (therefore I rarely find myself in a theater); however, this was one of the best films I've seen in a long time. Other than his jail time, I didn't know much about Johnny, his music and his undying love for June.

Though Joaquin Phoenix is probably a card-carrying lib, I have to give him kudos for an outstanding performance! Same goes for Reese Witherspoon, who did a brilliant turn as the love of Johnny's life (and may even be a minority in Tinseltown;a successful Conservative actor. I don't know for sure, but given her Nashville upbringing, she just might be a girl with a "red state of mind."). In any case, a very enjoyable, emotional and engrossing movie with a rollicking soundtrack!


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