Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Quick Hits

Check out this tribute to WW II vets.

What the DiGiovanni household in Cortland looks like this Christmas season. Dom and Dad are in a race through the three very heavy volumes, each nearly 500 pages long. Dom is almost done his second (he began with Volume III and then went to Volume I); I have started my second volume (I started with I and went to II), and often read these aloud to Luca, who is Calvin Incarnate. What great memories - I asked my kids what the significance of the comic on 11/17/87 was; stumped, they asked their mom: it was the day of our first date! I guess 10/27/90 is the next big date (our wedding), and then 6/13/92 (the twins' birthday). Then there are no more major dates (at least that I can think of), as the series ended in 1995 and Luca didn't come along for another four years.

I was hoping to post some pictures of butt-ugly women to assuage Bruce's better half, but for some reason I can't get the site to upload the images. More later....


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