Sunday, January 08, 2006


Brucie and the Gold Sheet go 4-for-4 in the NFL playoffs - quite impressive!

I would be miffed if I had money on the Bengals and Carson Palmer gets lost to injury the way that he did. I really hate seeing that kind of stuff; the hit was unnecessary and the point of contact (quite obviously) dangerous. Kitna did an admirable job under the circumstances, but even a Mike Magnotta hot chocolate wasn't going to slow down the Steelers in the second half. I only saw part of the second half (I took Luca to "Monsters, Inc. On Ice" and missed the first half and most of the 3rd Q, including the injury when it happened) and what little I did see looked like a massacre. Kitna must have done much better in the first half.

I called the Panthers-Giants pretty well, particularly the way that the Jints weren't going to put up a lot of points and Eli was going to have a rough day. A shut-out was more than I was willing to predict, but I am not all that surprised by the result.

The Pats are money at home in the post-season.

I contend that in the era before replay, the Bucs' near-TD would have been called a TD on the field. In the era of replay, the refs err on the side of the less important call, and an incompletion is an easier (initial) call than a TD. Not that the ref didn't signal immediately that he thought it wasn't a clean catch; to his credit, he did. However, if you look at the other ref running in to discuss the call, it is clear that there was some disagreement, and in the pre-replay era, I think they call that a TD after conferring. It was still darn close; although it did come loose, the guys arm almost stayed under the ball while it wasn't secured. I think that this falls into the "inconclusive evidence to overturn" bin and so the Bucs don't get the TD and the Skins get the win. Butch Johnson didn't catch the ball in the SB against the Broncos and got the call. I would have called it a TD, but I am an NFC East fan of a team other than the Skins ;-)

PS: The Gold Sheet also called the Hawks' victory over Temple; did the 2 points cover the line?


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