Sunday, January 08, 2006

Go Panthers!

Due to cool temps (and a lousy cold), Mom, Ralph and I decided to forego a boat ride down the Intracoastal in favor of watching Carolina play the Giants in the comfort of my home. We watched with glee as the Panthers shut-out the Giants 23-0....anytime a red state beats a blue state, it's a great day!

We thought we heard the faints sounds of an elderly New Yorker eating a pepper and egg sandwich and whining in his obnoxious "Vinnie Barbarino" NY dialect: "Carolina's so luuuucky! They're so luuucky! Happy New Year Carolina!" Ugh! Give me a Southern accent over this headache-inducing Northeastern tongue anyday! (Doc Paul may remember the background for this little was an experience Mark and I had while watching the Eagles play the Giants on a bitterly cold December day in 1988).

Anyway, Eli got his just reward for breaking his commitment to the San Diego Chargers (who would trade living in beautiful San Diego for the Big Liberal Apple anyway????). Belle doesn't like people who don't keep their agreements, especially when they are spoiled brat celebrities and athletes with no clue about what defines true sacrifice (maybe they should hang out with some soldiers in Iraq for some much-needed character building).

Mom expressed some sympathy with the Giants fans until I pointed out that most of them probably suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome; now they can also suffer the post-season. However, I am pulling for the "Men of Steel" to go all the way, along with former player Lynn Swann, in his bid for Governor of the Keystone State. Like Mark, I will always esteem the Pittsburgh Steelers for beating Dallas twice in Superbowl.


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