Monday, December 12, 2005


What a sad sack group this is. The local GOP works in collusion with the Democrats to hand back the city council and the legislature to the Democrats. Is it any wonder these fools at the state level can't find a decent candidate for governor or Senate? I will be supporting Randy McDaniel, a true conservative. I will ultimately vote against Eliot Spitzer, even if I have to hold my nose and vote for a guy like Weld.

Now the same party that gave us the unforgettable, uh, Howard, uh, um, Mills - that's it! - to run against Chuckie Schumer is getting ready to ditch Pirro for... who knows. Could we see a Rick Lazio rerun? Hell if I know, but these clowns are sure to pick a loser, so look forward to 6 more years of the carpetbagger (except that she will immediately shift gears to run for President).

This state's politics absolutely suck.


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