Sunday, December 11, 2005

Eagles 13 Bucs 3

Bruce - Yes, I was there with Mark, and perhaps Ralph or Daria (I don't think my dad was there that day, but I am hazy on the memory). The highlight of that day was not the game, but meeting the great Johnny Unitas on the street outside the stadium. I remember him as an affable guy with a crew cut who had an easy smile and who genially greeted me and Mark, shaking our hands. It was a chance meeting - we were just walking out to the parking lot and there he was.

I am not sure if he was in town for something, or if he had some role with the Bucs. But there he was - an impressive figure who I thought of as an "old timer", even though he was probably only about 5 years or so out of his playing days. Bruce - any knowledge of why Johnny U would have been at that Bucs-Birds game in '77?


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