Thursday, December 22, 2005

Able Danger

We all know that the mainstream (captive) media is composed of kook, PC, Socialists who hate America and who distribute the news with a distinctly liberal bias. Just when you thought that things couldn't get worse, the captive media has hit a new low. They are now censoring the news.

Able Danger and the investigation led by Delaware County's own, U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon has been largely ignored by the captive media. Instead the media focus on this bogus " spy" story and make it front page news on a daily basis. There is no meat to this story . It is simply a fabrication by the captive media. Identical Executive Orders were signed by Carter and Clinton and not a word was said about it.

The captive media fears Able Danger because it will expose those two sacred cows, Clinton and Rodham. Muhammed Atta was in the U.S. in 2000 but the CIA and FBI were not allowed to communicate about it, thanks to Clinton stooge, Jamie Gurelick. The fact that she sat on the 9/11 Commission is disgusting. What is also troubling is the Administration's reluctance to cooperate, including the President and Donald Rumsfeld. They have to forget this so -called gentlemen's agreement among administrations which holds that no administration should criticize its predecessor.

Able Danger is the biggest story of my lifetime. The security and defense of America is at stake in a time of war. I believe that if this story ever sees the light of day, it could lead to the biggest convictions since the Rosenbergs. If that happens, the final chapter of Mr. Weldon goes to Washington could well be Mr. Weldon moves to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He'll have my vote.


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