Thursday, August 24, 2006

Liberal Plan for the War on Terror

1. Impeach Bush;

2. Free Saddam Hussein and put him back in power;

3. Arm Hezbollah so they can murder innocent Israelis;

4. Close Gitmo and put Ann Coulter there;

5. Drop Ted Kennedy head first and Hillary ass first on Republican headquarters;

6. Kill the Patrior Act, after all; terrorists have the right to plan the innocent murder of Americans in private;

7. Unilaterally withdraw from Iraq;

8. Allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons;

9. Allow North Korea to develop nuclear weapons; (every time I think about this, I get so made I wish I could wet Jimmuh Carter's lips and stick him to the wall);

10. Completely feminize the military and ridicule our murderous troops currently in battle;

11. Send the returning troops from Iraq to Wal - Mart along with the National Guard - after all we must fight terrorism at home;( while we're at it, have the Minute Men monitor Wal - Mart);

12. Allow illegals and terrorists to flow over our borders in droves unimpeded, so they can come here and one day kill us;

13. Give all illegals and terrorists already here, welfare, social security benefits, and drivers' licenses; and, of course allow them to vote (after all we are compassionate);

14. Eliminate the need to show photo ID at the polls in order to vote - we want to make sure that no felon is denied his constitutional rights;

15. Disallow absentee voting for the military; if they can't come home from a little thing like WW III in order to vote, it's their own fault.

Once these steps are taken, the Libs are correct in their assertion that our enemies and the "world community" will no longer hate us. In fact, they'll be very happy with us, which is what the Libs want isn't it. They want us to sing Kumbayah with our enemies, because after all America is the cause of all of the world's problems.

The Libs are right, if they win back power our enemies will be very happy with us. Happy that is, until they kill us. God save us all from these nutbags.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why Liberals Love Terrorists and hate Wal - Mart

I am having great difficulty understanding why Liberals think that Wal - mart is a terrorist organization, but I think that the issue bears some study. Perahaps when you scratch the surface, maybe Wal- mart does have a lot in common with terrorists.

Let's take a closer look boys and girls. Wal-mart cuts prices, terrorists cut throats. Wal - mart employs people, terrorists blow -up people. Wal-mart delivers quality goods to middle class people at low prices,terrrists deliver bombs in cars to kill all non - Muslim people. Wal- mart assists the American econmy, terrorists try to destroy the American economy. Wal - mart sells diapers, terrorists wear diapers on their heads. Wal - mart sells merchandise for children, terrorist strap bonds to their children. Wal- mart sells napkins, terrorist like to kidnap.

Wow, who woould have ever known except for the liberal elistist intelligencia. They're obviousy smarter than the restof us. Think about it. Wal - mart does not offer health insurance to people who get sick and die. When terrorists die, they get 72 virgins. That's some health plan.

Mr. President, unless you want to get impeached you better send the National Guard to the Wal- mart border. That's where the real danger is.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A must read if there ever was one...

Run, don't walk, to your favorite bookstore to pick up a copy of Pat Buchanan's new book. As usual, our man hits the nail on the head on the immigration issue, and paints a stark picture of how our country might look in coming decades unless we do something now.

Regrettably, it's already probably too late in California, and the cesspool that is Los Angeles. The radio guys, John & Ken, have a great nickname for the L.A. mayor. He's not "Antonio Villaraigosa," he's "Antonio Villa-reconquista" to them. Sadly, very appropriate.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Cease fire in the Middle East, what a joke !

The recent U.N. led cease fire in the Israeli - Hezbollah conflict is the biggest joke since Neville Chamberlain's peace accords in 1938. I for one cannot fathom the USA going along with this, since W is President and not Clinton or Carter. I'm disappointed in Condi Rice as well.

As Rush so aptly pointed out, the timing of this cease fire is very ironic. It came at at a time when Israel was clearly winning and kicking the hell out of Hezbollah. As Rush also says do you think the world would have cared one wit if Israel was losing - not. There would have been no call for a cessation of hostilities under those circumstances. No, the world would have stood by and watched the murder of innocent Israeli women and children.

Let's follow the lgic here. The only democarcy in the Middle east is attacked by a bunch of terrorist thugs funded by Iran who kidnap two Israeli soldiers for no reason. They also kill other Israeli soldiers. Not a peep from the "world community". Then,when Israel retaliates suddenly the world is "horrified".

I say it's high time for the U.S. to pull out of the U.N, the former communist sppy capital of the world. It's also time to kick the U.N. out of New York and to put that prime real estate to good use.We need to take immediate measures to ensure that we convincingly win this war on terror. As for our liberal friends across the aisle, it would be nice if they would stand up and join us in declaring war on terrorism instead of declaring war on Wal - Mart.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Liberalism Run Amok

It is quite apparent that Liberalism is now as fanatical a religion as is Islam. As I write this, Joe Lieberman, one of the last few Dems left with a brain is fighting for his political life. Make no mistake, Liberalism is a religion and its "holy sacrament" is abortion. Its other holy scarament is hatred of George Bush. These kooks are undermining the war effort and helping murderous terrorists, all because it will look good for Bush if terrorism is defeated.They will sacrifice their own children for their religion, just like the Islam - fascists.Thus a good man like Lieberman must be sacrificed.

These kooks are way out there. It is alright to murder a baby in the womb and to starve Terri Schindler to death, but God forbid that the US govt. monitor the phone calls of Al Quaeda and other terrorists. You can see it in the pathetic way that most American Jews, especially the Hollywood crowd, have turned their back on Israel. Screw this Middle eastern democracy and go Hezbolla! Why, because the religion of Liberalism trumps the religion of Judaism. They don't even care that these cowardly terrorists attacked Israel without justification, and hide among civilian populations so that they can claim that Israel kills civilians.

I for one have had it. I hope Israel wipes them all out and then that the US has the guts to finish the job, the way Patton correctly wanted to end WW II. I say lets round up the ones here and put them in internment camps. Then let's finish this war and then take the oil to pay for it. Without our technology, they wouldn't know what to do with their oil and it would be worthless. Evil needs to be confronted and crushed. If it's not, it will eventually crush us.