Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why Liberals Love Terrorists and hate Wal - Mart

I am having great difficulty understanding why Liberals think that Wal - mart is a terrorist organization, but I think that the issue bears some study. Perahaps when you scratch the surface, maybe Wal- mart does have a lot in common with terrorists.

Let's take a closer look boys and girls. Wal-mart cuts prices, terrorists cut throats. Wal - mart employs people, terrorists blow -up people. Wal-mart delivers quality goods to middle class people at low prices,terrrists deliver bombs in cars to kill all non - Muslim people. Wal- mart assists the American econmy, terrorists try to destroy the American economy. Wal - mart sells diapers, terrorists wear diapers on their heads. Wal - mart sells merchandise for children, terrorist strap bonds to their children. Wal- mart sells napkins, terrorist like to kidnap.

Wow, who woould have ever known except for the liberal elistist intelligencia. They're obviousy smarter than the restof us. Think about it. Wal - mart does not offer health insurance to people who get sick and die. When terrorists die, they get 72 virgins. That's some health plan.

Mr. President, unless you want to get impeached you better send the National Guard to the Wal- mart border. That's where the real danger is.


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