Sunday, January 15, 2006

Congrats, Brucie!

I was pulling for you (emotionally, not on the business side - maybe next time, they'll listen to you at TGS!), and I was glad to see the Broncos win. I don't hate the Pats, but I am getting a little tired of the dynasty stuff. Not to take anything away from what they accomplished, but the Steelers of the 70's and the Niners of the 80's were more dominant teams. Had they won, though, we wouldn't be hearing the end of it.

Now Brucie becomes the biggest Steelers fan this side of Rush Limbaugh, but sorry, Uncle Bruce, it's Indianapolis for the AFC title tilt next week - and I think the Colts will win in a walk. If the Steelers do the impossible tomorrow, though, the Broncos can make their travel plans to lovely Detroit.

I'll take the Colts tomorrow 35-14 and the Bears (I have had a reversal on this one) 12-6. What's the OU on this game - 20 points? Take the under!


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