Saturday, December 17, 2005

Update on all things blog-iful

As you no doubt have deduced, I invited Daria, our lone reader and commenter, to join as a full-fledged blogger. That's three DiGi's and three non-DiGi's (at least once Mark is posting). For all you Latin fans, does that make us the Sex-Squad?

Mark's AOL invitation was not coming through with a full "private" URL - it would only tell him to go to I think that by utilizing Yahoo!, we will bypass that problem.

Also, a couple of things on links:

1) You can link to a URL by placing that URL in the field labeled "Link" below the field titled "Title" on the Posting -> Create page; then the title itself will be a link (you can tell that the title is a link when you see the "top of the lighthouse" image showing up on the blog entry ahead of the entry's title, and the title will show up in blue, unless you have personal settings that make it show up in another color)

2) To link internally (i. e., within a post), type this: a href="URL">text that you want to display as a link, "less than sign" /a
In order to get this to display without it being formatted as HTML (that is, so you can read this), I eliminated the leading < and the trailing > So if you want to do an internal link, remember to add those symbols.

Here's an example: If I wanted to link to The Corner, I would type the initial < followed by
a href="" followed by > The Corner

At the end I would add a "less than sign" (sorry, but I can't make this readable if I use the actual symbol), then /a>

This is how it looks when done properly: The Corner

I know it's kind of a pain, but when you get in the habit of copying the URL, you will learn pretty quickly to type the html tags, paste in the URL, and then type in the link name as you would want it to appear.

Alternatively, if you use a browser that supports this, you can switch to "Compose" mode on the "Create Post" page, highlight the link name, and click on the icon that looks like a portion of a metal chain over a greenish circular thingamajig. This will cause a pop-up window to open, you paste the URL in there, and the software formats it for you.


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