Friday, December 16, 2005

Trump's Apprentice...

Not sure who else saw the end of Trump's Apprentice on Thursday night. It is one of the few TV shows I watch, mostly because I find Trump so pompous that he is comical. I get more good laughs just watching Trump barge into a room or hop out of his helicopter than I do with most sitcoms. My wife can confirm, as can Dan, who watched a few shows with us when he was out in Cali this fall, and laughed hysterically with us whenever the salmon-topped egotist opened his mouth...

Loved the finale, however, especially how the upstanding and well-educated (MIT, Oxford) brother, Randal, was exposed as a selfish primadonna, by Trump, no less. Though Randal's selection as The Apprentice was no upset, you could tell Trump was pretty fond of the other finalist, the tasty, 24-year-old brunette Rebecca, who reminded more than a few of a younger Sandra Bullock. After selecting Randal, Trump pulled the shocker of the night and asked Randal if he (Trump) maybe ought to hire Rebecca, too. Randal acted like Trump was trying to pick his pocket, adamant that there was no way she should be hired, even though she had already expressed a preference for the Jersey City condo project that Randal turned down for the Atlantic City project. He was almost childish, and Trump just kind of shrugged his shoulders, while the crowd booed, and the cute Rebecca was left with her mouth agape.

Randal could have been gracious and looked upon as a sort of knight in shining armor; instead, he looks like a selfish baby. As the first apprentice, Loyola-Chicago grad Bill Rancik, has found out, being an Apprentice winner can be lucrative. And it still might for Randal, especially that he could become a real role model for the black (excuse me, African-American) community. But he could have been a bigger celebrity by giving the thumbs up to Rebecca. Something tells me he won't be as much in demand as an after-dinner or motivational speaker after that act of petulance...


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