Friday, December 09, 2005

Bengals 31-0...Dec. 7, 1975

Paulie, it's too bad I didn't know you then, I would have gone along to the Eagles-Bengals game if extra tickets were available. At that moment I was brave for cold weather after watching USC-UCLA at the cold Coliseum nine days earlier, though I am sure the Vet was probably 25-30 degrees colder than the Coliseum was that great Friday night...

That Eagles-Bengals 31-0 was on TV in the LA area, I recall Horst Muhlmann kicking a FG for the Bengals in the game and kicking off several times. (UPDATE: Flag on the play! See below) It was also the same day Tommy Prothro's 0-11 Chargers, with Bobby Douglass at QB and threatening winless infamy (remember, it was the year before the 0-14 Bucs), finally won a game, 28-20 at Kansas City...

Little did I realize then that Leonard Tose would rip the heart out of UCLA fans about 2 months later when he stole Vermeil from Bruinland the week before the letter-of-intent signing date in February. Never forget hearing the news while watching the Bob Hope Desert Classic, with Jim Simpson delivering the bulletin. I was in total shock, and didn't believe it at first, sort of like the time I walked into Mike Epstein's BBQ restaurant and thought for a moment I was dreaming up the whole thing...

The following week, the Broncs beat the Eagles at Mile High, 25-10, the football equivalent of Babe Ruth's called shot (sort of) when Floyd Little told the boys in the Denver huddle that he was taking that swing pass for a touchdown. And 66 yards later, he was right. That was Little's last home game and last-ever TD, as he retired after the season...

And as for Martelli, he is not only one of the best coaches, but also one of my favorites because I feel like I have a full head of hair whenever I see him...

UPDATE (from Paul): My recollection was that Horst Muhlmann was a member of the Eagles in 1975, as my research has verified. I had to look hard to find the name of the Bengals' kicker: Dave Green. I must say, my recollection of him is zilch. I got to call Bruce on a sporting memory - unbelievable!


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