Monday, December 19, 2005

Dynamic Duo Funds Death

From Tim Graham at The Corner:

Time's Person of the Year package omits what reporters usually omit about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -- its millions of dollars in funding for abortion advocacy. It's a little strange for Time to tout their saving all the little children in the Third World, while they've funded International Planned Parenthood, which helps exterminate the little children in the Third World.

It's also a tiny bit off-putting for both the Gates article and the Bono article cooing in reverent tones about how these people are not doing it for the publicity -- while they're getting massive publicity. I know that's possible, but it still clashes.

I know I am in the minority in viewing Bill Gates as mainly a charlatan who stole better ideas from other people and marketed them well, but even defenders of his business practices have to recognize the evil in this.


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