Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Newsbabes Part II

This might be the wrong crowd to admit I actually watch CNN. But as long as we are talking newsbabes, let us not forget Daryn Kagan, a quadsquader, forty-tuder like ourselves. The blonde sorority chick look is fine by me (Amy Robach, Paula Zahn--yikes, another CNN admission!) but when I'm looking for something different, or in the mood for a sophisticated version of Sandra Bullock, I always have Daryn in the morning. Plus she knows sports. Never mind that she is the best-looking woman to ever graduate from Stanford.

(You know what they say about Stanford females--9 out of 10 girls in California are good-looking, and the 10th goes to Stanford. My Santa Clara daughter has confirmed that when the Stanford frat boys throw a party, the first invitations go to Santa Clara girls).

Rush Limbaugh has good taste after all...


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