Saturday, November 04, 2006

Thank You John Kerry

I was going to save this for Wednesday but why wait. Thanks to the elitist moron junior Senator from Taxachusetts the Dems/Libs dreams are going up in smoke. Have you noticed how the dinosaur media has tried to bury the story ? It won't work.

My point is proven by the disappearance of Nancy Pe - lose -y and Dingy Harry, as Rush so aptly calls him. Dingy and Nnancy are not only missing in action so that they themselves won't say womething stupid before the election, but because they knew that ketchup boy already blew it and they don't want to look bad on Wednesday.Both will soon be out of their respective positions and their party will be in total shambles.

Much to the delight of the GOP, but even more so to the delight of Bill and Hil who could care less about their party or their country. Those two see themselves as the saviour of the Dems.Talk about being out of touch with reality. She actually thinks she'll be President and he thinks he'll be UN Secretary General.

As the light of truth continues to shine, these hippocrits are exposed as the liars that they are. Bring on 2008! If they lose then, they ar finished as a political party.


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