Friday, November 03, 2006

Election Surprise

It's prediction time again sports fans. The dinosaur media has done everyhting possible to hand the mid-term elections to the Democrats. The amount of coverage given to these midterm elections is unprecedented and completely biased. Actually biased is not the right word. The days of dinosaur media bias are long gone. The dinosuar media has now made the full leap to news censorship. They decide what to cover even if it's not newsworthy, and they decide not to cover something that is newsworthy.

They spent weeks on Mark Foley, when it only merited a day or two of coverage. He immediately resigned and was banished by the GOP. Now they have spent the better part of a week trying to cover for John Kerry. The best thing about the Kerry fiasco to the dinosaur media is that the Madam now has one less competitor in 2008.

Nevertheless, despite the dinosaur media and the fact that a midterm election in the second term of a President is bad for the party in power, all is not lost. So here goes. You heard it here first. The GOP holds the House by a narrow margin and pretty much retains its current majority in the Senate. Wow, won't Wednesday morning be sweet ! Sorry Dan.


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