Guv McGoofy
Shame on Jim McGreevey ! Talk about your classic self - absorbed, me - first baby boomer. As if his terrible tax and spend Liberal tenure as Governor of New Jersey wasn't bad enough, he now writes a tell - all book about his confession and "coming out" and how he lived a lie beforehand. This is just great. First he screws the tax payers of New Jersey, and now he screws his former wives as well as his children in public.
This guy is a disgrace. He says he knew he was gay from the time he was six or seven, and that he tried to fight it. He fought it so hard that he married not one, but two woman and fathered multiple children. Now he claims to have found his courage and that at last he is out of the closet and living his true life. By the way, this new life includes his living in a mansion with his gay lover, while the life of his second wife, the former first lady of New Jersy is in ruins.
His crowning glory as it were, was his recent appearance on "Oprah". This was a sickening spectacle. Why Oprah thought this guy's story was worth telling is beyond me. To subject his wives and children to this spectacle in front of a national audience is a disgrace. Furthemore, now way this episode should have aired in the middle of the afternoon when kids are watching TV.
Memo to Oprah, why don't you have productive Americans such as Shad Helmstetter who help others lead richer and fuller lives, on your show. No can't do that, it's a liberal show after all. It reminded me of the time last year when Oprah had a show honoring African -American women of high achievement. Not surprisingly, the highest achieving African - American woman of all time, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was nowhere to be found.
I guess you can't just blame Oprah though. All over the dinosaur media, this guy is treated as a hero. What courage, they all spout. But how wrong they are. Courage is quietly fighting temptation everyday in the face of tough odds, and praying for redemption. I would also reserve the word courage for our military men and women bravely fighting this war on terror.
It's scary when you compare McGreevey's selfish act to the most unselfish act in the history of the world, the Crucifixion. The voluntary giving up of an innocent life so that the world may be saved. It's even scarier when you compare the dinosaur media's response to these two polar opposites. McGreevey is cheered as a hero as noted above, while Mel Gibson was trashed and viciously attacked as was his epic film "The Passion of the Christ."
A few years ago in National Review, Bill Buckley wrote an article lamenting the absence of shame. The gist of the article was that in years past, most people would abstain from certain behaviors because they would be ashamed should they be caught. Not so nowadays, as the McGreevey story so aptly illustrates. How right Buckley was as usual. What a damn shame !