Another awesome photo
...but first, the backstory.
One of the members of the Vanderbilt Doctors' Rotisserie League (VDRL - ask your doctor friends why that's an amusing acronym, or Google it for yourself) is an oncologist by the name of Eric Raefsky whose group has 4 tickets to the Predators' home games, as well as passes to Jack Daniel's No. 7 Restaurant inside the arena (Gaylord Entertainment Center). First things first: the buffet at JD's would be the envy of all but the finest hotels - nothing like showing up two hours before the drop of the puck and dining on the best foods while looking out over downtown Nashville. But I digress.
Four league members (Eric, Runcie Clements (a Vandy Law School grad who puts me up each year), Tim Heller (a new guy to the league from St. Genevieve, Missouri), and me) are watching the game with two middle-aged Southern women seated behind us, asking each other questions that betray a complete lack of knowledge of hockey. Stuff like "Does hockey have three or four periods?" and "When there is a penalty, does one team have fewer men on the ice than the other?". Tim, who is a very gregarious guy, chats them up, answers their questions, and politely inquires as to why they are at a hockey game, seeing as how they are so "new" to the game.
Now these ladies are attractive in a matronly sort of way, and clearly would have been "lookers" back in the day. One of them tells Tim that she is there because her daughter is one of the Preds' Puck Patrol members. We got a little embarrassed at that point, given that we had been gawking at the female members of the Puck Patrol, but regaining our compsure, we asked which one. The mom proudly said "the natural blonde". Oh boy... Well, is she going to come say hi to her momma? "She always stops by sometime in the third period". That's when I say: "Well, if she comes by, I want to get a picture with her". "Alright" says her momma.
And here is the conclusion of the story:

Oh, man, do I love Nashville!
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