Happy MLK Day...and a tough TGS weekend!

Paulie reminded us of the football Gods in a recent post, and I suppose they were also at work against TGS this weekend, as after the wild card sweep we bit the dust hard in the division playoff round, losing 'em all. Now I know how the '75 Pittsburgh Penguins felt against the Islanders.
Infuriated a bit at a few (make it one) of my colleagues, however, for trying to spread the blame last weekend. I take some responsibility for the Redskins pick (+9 1/2, and losing by 10), but was overrun on the other selections. Not that any of it matters, but this is a lot more delicate situation than most would believe, as the only course of action, really, is to move forward and not look back. We usually do a good job at that and just move forward. "I told you so" is a dangerous precedent to set in my business, because, eventually, it comes back to bite you, so I never play that game (hey, I've lost enough to know better). But one of our crew is an especially onerous piece of human excrement who plays these sorts of mind games all of the time (no, it's not Gary). Keeping a lid on it all and moving on is not always so easy, but we finally went to war over his maddening behavior last night. Let's just say I don't think Chuck "I like to pick both sides of the game" Sippl is going to cause similar problems in the future. This is the same fellow who voted for both the White Sox and Astros in game 3 of the World Series (that's a neat trick for a handicapper).
Enough said on that subject, so, let's move on. This week, I ramrodded through picks on Denver and Carolina, as no one else seemed to have any strong convictions on the picks. A mild form Sippl-itis unfortunately spread to P. Carl and Gary. I wonder what our subscribers would think if they could view Sippl in action (or inaction). But I am immune to his indecsive ways. Sell the pick, and let's move on!
For my MLK Day celebrations, I was thinking about seeking out one of his 600 or so mistresses and wondering how they might want to honor MLK today...
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