Monday, January 16, 2006

A cornucopia of riches

When it's Mark Steyn, it's always good, but this column is a feast. A small sample:

It's a tragedy to watch once-fearsome attack dogs spend a week chasing their tails because they're "concerned" about the "Concerned Alumni of Princeton" -- though, of course, these days one's heartened to find Sen. Kennedy still capable of chasing tail. Still, would it be too much to ask these guys to put in a little rehearsal time and practice grilling themselves in front of the bedroom mirror:

Sen. Leahy (D-Vt.): "I find it troubling that as a young man you joined an all-white club affiliated with a national institution that has a very troubling historical pattern when it comes to the treatment of minorities."

Sen. Leahy (D-Vt.): "Yes, it's true I joined the Vermont branch of the Democratic Party in the 1950s. But, I mean, I never met George Wallace or Robert C. Byrd or anyone . . ."

PS: Remember to use the http:// if embedding a link in the title of the post, and use permalinks, not just links to the general site. For example, in today's Jacoby column that Liberty Belle (uh, hi Muzz!) don't post, use this instead:

PPS: Jacoby needs to submit a better head shot - he looks like a goof!


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