Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Defending America with Spitballs

Hi Guys! Check out Ben Shapiro's latest column on The blind ambition of liberals never ceases to amaze me; in their blood-thirsty lust for power (fueled by their irrational hatred of President Bush), they continue to put this country at risk even as we engage in a battle for our very survival against an enemy that seeks to destroy us all. If 9/11 wasn't a wake-up call, what is it going to take for these people? Total annihilation?

In his column, Ben hearkens back to Zell Miller's fiery speech (ah, memories!) at the Republican National Convention last year when he hypothetically (though fairly accurately) raged that, if left to the Democrats, the United States would be defended by "spitballs" instead of a sophisticated and superior Military.

While there, check out Michelle Malkin's latest offering, where she takes the NY Times to task for blatantly aiding the filibuster of the Patriot Act and openly supporting Osama and company by putting them on alert that the U.S. is monitoring their communications. In their dejection over a successful Iraqi Election, the Times just couldn't help themselves. With no widespread bloodshed and bombing to blame on George W. Bush, they couldn't very well place smiling Iraqis with purple fingers on the front page. Had this occurred under Clinton (suspending disbelief for a brief moment), the Times would have practically sainted him (assuming these secularists even give credence to such a "right-wing Christian" concept). Instead, they lead with a non-story intended to influence what is arguably the most critical piece of legislation in recent history. And we're not supposed to question their patriotism?

Michelle as always, hits the nail on the head.


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