Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Beating the dead horse

Bruce - One other question germane to the IR: when viewing the "good" version, were you able to tell whether Phil Vill was clipped by John McMakin? LaMonica, Villapiano, Siani - do you understand the DiGiovanni family's affinity for the Raiders?

I think the big picture element of this discussion is this: had they disallowed it (whether they ruled the catch illegal or flagged McMakin for clipping, or if Franco had arrived a half-second later and the ball touched the turf), then we wouldn't be having this exchange. Just like they should have called Drew Pearson for offensive pass interference in that comeback win for the Cowboys over the Vikings - instead, by not having called it, it lives on in memory, and the Cowboys got to a Super Bowl they shouldn't have. Or Rob Lytle - oops, better stop now!


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