Saturday, January 07, 2006

Governor Swann

We politically starved Pennsylvanians finally received the good news yesterday. Lynn Swan has officially announced that he is running for Governor of this corrupt Commonwealth. He is already being denounced by Democrats and Liberals as a "show" candidate who is being used by Republicans because he is black. Once again these " geniuses " ignore all of the facts.

To the contrary # 88 is a man of great accomplishment. In sports, the only true meritocracy in contemporary society, he has scaled Mt. Olympus. As everyone knows, he is a member of the Football Hall of Fame. Since his retirement he has become a very successful broadcaster and businessman. He is being denounced by the Left because he is what they fear the most when they go to bed at night, a Black Conservative. What has Fat Eddie ever done other than being on Eagles Post Game Live. Apart from that he is nothing more than a tax and spend liberal.

I for one am wholeheartedly supporting Lynn and will get active in his campaign. How could I do anything less for a good man, who also played a key role in defeating Dallas twice in the Super Bowl.


Blogger eyeovthestorm said...

For that last paragraph alone you should vote for him! lol lol lol

12:21 PM  

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