The Democrats are reveling in the lurid homosexual email sex scandal involving former Republican Congressman Mark Foley. They could care less about the interns or the "children" that they now posture about. They simply smell blood and they see this as their chance to finally win back Congress for the first time in twelve years. What is ironic is how wrong they are, and how amusing it is that they cannot see the forrest from the trees.
Let me be the first to say that Mr. Foley's actions are both sleazy and disgusting and he should hang his head in shame. He does not deserve to be in Congress as he is not worthy of the public trust. I don't care what political party he belongs to. What is so striking about this incident is the gross hypocrisy of the Liberal Democrats. In unison, they bang the drum beat that this behavior is outrageous and that we must protect the children.
Do I detect a scent of homophobia among our Liberal friends. While their criticism of Foley and the so - called culture of Republican corruption has been scathing, let's examine why they really express this outrage. We all know they couod care less about Foley's behavior in the abstract. The fact is, they both embrace it and champion it.
After all it is the Liberals who constantly tell Conservatives and Republicans that we are intolerant and that we must embrace this "alternative life style." They also tell us that homosexuals must be allowed to marry and that we must have abortion on demand. Did I hear them say, they want to protect children ? They are already responsible for the deaths of 40 million innocent American children and now they tell us we must have embryonic stem cell research so that we can kill more innocents.
The liberal attempt to take the high moral ground on this story is hilarious. In 1983 Democrat Congressman Gerry Studds (isn't that name ironic) raped a male paige. He not only didn't resign, but stayed on to the standing ovation of his fellow Congressional Democrats. A few years later Nancy Pelosi, who espouses the radical San Francisco homosexual agenda, voted for Studs for a committee chairmanship. There were no calls from Democrats for Studs to resign, and clearly sodomy is a lot more vile than sending someone an email or an instant message. This is the same Ms. Pelosi who marched in a gay pride parade a few years ago, all the while knowing that the Grand Marshall of the parade was a member of NAMBLA.
Moreover, there were no Republican calls for then House Speaker Tip O'Neill to resign. What did O'Neill have to do with what this guy did in his bedroom, and how he could he have known about it. How about President Clinton having sex with an intern in the oval office, albeit a female. Once caught, he lied about it, was impeached, and lost his law license in Arkansas. Not only did he not resign, but he claimed it was a vast right wing conspiracy and he dragged the entire country through the mud for two years.Certainly, lurid incident invovling phsyical acts by the Commander -in - Chief is a lot more serious than the emails of an obscure congressman.
If you recall, there were no Republican calls for Minority Leader Dik Gephart to resign. Again, what did he have to do with the behavior of a man who the evidence shows likely raped Juanita Broaderrick.How ironic that President Reagan wouldn't even remove his suit jacket in the Oval Office out of respect, and this guy dropped his pants.
Let's now contrast how the Reubplicans handled the Foley scandal. As soon as Majority Leader Hastert found out about it, he confronted Foley and demanded that he resign or be forced out. Foley to his credit resigned and is now undergoing treatment. He didn't claim it was a vast left wing conspiracy and then lie about his accusers. What is ironic is that unlike Clinton, it looks like he could have made a case for himself. According to Drudge, it was the Dems who knew about this and sat on it. They think they're so clever, another October surprise !
These genuises on the Left don't get it. They tried mightily with the President Bush drunk driving story in October, 2000, and the "pep rally" at the funeral of Senator Wellstone in October 2002. Then in October, 2004 came the lies of Rather - gate, only to be topped off by the early election day reporting that it was over and that Kerry had won. The better to stop conservatives from going to the polls later in the day, my dear.
Also,let us not forget the Presidential debates that year. Remember John Kerry's(who by the way served in Viet Nam) response to a question about why people are gay. He responded by mentioning Mary Cheney, the Vice - President's daughter.
The entire purpose of that response was to "out" Mary Cheney to Conservatives since we obviously didn't know, and never heard of gays before. We all just ride in our pick ups with gun racks, to hay seed churches with weeds in our mouth.When we get there, we read the evil bible and then proceed to exlcaim the gospel of "intolerance."
Why did none of these dirty ploys do the Liberals any good? Here's the dirty little secret. They continue to confuse we in the grass roots Conservative majority with the weak-kneed leadership that's supposed to represent us in Washington.Unlike our elected representatives when the Liberals push us, we in fly-over country push right back even harder.
What Liberals and the Democratic Party fail to understand is that unlike thier socialist operation where the elitist ruling class dictates everthing and the Kool-Aid drinkers follow, the Republican Party works in the opposite manner. The Conservative grass roots independent-thinking majority runs the Party from the botom up, and not the top down like the Democrats/Liberals. It is the classic difference between a free, democratic form of government and socialism/totalitarianism.
Grass roots consevatives won't be fooled like our wobbly leaders. We'll put them back in power this time and demand that they address the Conservative agenda beginning in January,2007. If not, we will properly deal with them in the 2008 primary season. We don't need the Democrats to do our bidding. As for the Liberals/Democrats, we'll banish them like we did Foley.