Stop the train, Barry Bonds has to get off...

Okay, so we have more damning evidence that Barry Bonds was juiced. That's about as earth-shattering as having evidence that the sun will come up tomorrow.
Granted, these new revelations provide startling details about Bonds' use, but, again, the point is? Anyone who didn't suspect Bonds was a user must have been living on a deserted desert isle, with Ginger, the Professor and Mary Ann for the last decade.
What grates is how I suspect the media, and many fans, will treat this as a sort of a successful sting operation. We nailed Barry Bonds! That cheat! Their objective was always to somehow stick Bonds, and now they have succeeded. But, in reality, other than providing more precise evidence, the latest revelations really do nothing but confirm what everyone has suspected about Bonds for a long while.
The bigger issue is that Bonds' use is just the tip of the baseball iceberg. Bonds might have abused more than anybody, but who knows? It is likely that hundreds and hundreds of players have been juiced in the recent past, some probably just as much or more than Bonds, every bit the cheat Bonds was. Doubtful, however, that more than a handful of these sorts will ever get the Bonds media treatment (not that Bonds hasn't led with his chin, and provided such an inviting target).
I suspect a large number are going to treat this as a Bonds-only phenomenon, and ignore the hundreds of others who did the same thing. Can already sense the many self-righteous Dodger fans, drawing their inspiration from the purity-driven, carrot-topped propagandist, sharpening their razors for Bonds, while blissfully ignoring how many of their own players might have been doing many of the same things.
The moral of this piece? Sure, Bonds was a cheat, but he wasn't the only one, not by a mile. I'll guarantee there are countless players who must be holding their breath that revelations won't come out about their past usage.
The most-credible figure in this whole sorry episode? Jerk or not, it's probably Jose Canseco. I have only read bits and pieces of his book while mulling through book stores in the past year, but I think I might actually buy it and see what Canseco had to say. As time passes, more and more it seems like most of what he had to say was true...
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