Saturday, March 04, 2006

Screenwriter angst

Roger L. Simon, himself an author and screenwriter, voted for Paul Haggis for best writer of a screenplay (he wrote the screenplay for Crash) despite his rather substantial misgivings. Here he speaks to Haggis's characterization of LA as a center of racism:

But let me add my voice to Cathy's and Matt Welch's that I am offended by the film's (self-regarding and convenient) view of LA as a maelstrom of racism. Yes, sure, there are plenty of racists here like everywhere else on the planet, but actually, compared to most places I've visited (and since travel is my drug of choice, I've been to over 60 countries) LA is a virtual paragon of multi-culturalism. Compared to Paris, it's paradise. But screenwriters like Haggis persist in a Westside vision of their city that is essentially a fantasy built on their needs (to feel superior and good while being rich and famous). They should get out more. Koreatown is a lot more fun and interesting than Brentwood or Beverly Hills (and the food's better).

Bruce, am I correct to guess that you live and breathe among not a few of whom are embodiments of the "Westside vision"?


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