Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some Random Thoughts on SOTUS

Good morning, Quad-Squadders!

I agree with Doc Paul: While overall I thought the speech was good, I take issue with a few things:

1. Why the insufferable and constant nods to ex-President Bill Clinton? Isn't it bad enough that his Presidency willfully failed to capture Bin Laden when they had the opportunity? Isn't it a reprensible part of Clinton's "legacy" that he left this country vulnerable to radical, barbaric Islamic terrorists and paved the way for 9/11? Why must we be subjected to listening to things like "My Dad's two favorite Baby Boomers turn 60 this year; me and President Clinton? " What is Dubya Hoping for? "Unity?" Doesn't he get it by now that most Democrats hate him? In return for all this deference, Bubba never misses an opportunity to trash W. , his policies and his efforts in the GWOT that Clinton was so instrumental in promulgating (i.e. his recent statements about the legitmacy of Hamas).....ARRRGGGHHH!!! WHY DOES PRESIDENT BUSH FEEL THIS SICKENING NEED TO VALIDATE THIS MORON???

2. Missed Opportunity: He should have thrashed the DEMO's for cheering in response to his statement about Congress' failure to pass Social Security reform. It was infuriating watching these jerks jump up with glee and euphoria over their irresponsible refusal to address a national crisis. In their twisted logic, they view this as a great feather in their collective cap; meanwhile Social Security remains in peril. God forbid people have the freedom to invest their own money...that's a privilege reserved for fat politicians. And after W's passionate appeals last year for reform, it seemed inconceivable that he'd blow an opportunity to admonish the 'Rats on National television. What a shame!

3. The "Oil Addiction" comment was beyond ridiculous. Why not slam Congress for blocking ANWAR? What about the refusal to drill off of California and Florida? I'm all for alternative energy sources but we can't have windmills anywhere in view of the Kennedy compound...that is totally unacceptable! I can only infer from this part of the speech that we have now given up on drilling for our own oil (thus freeing us from dependence on the Middle East) and are now focused on cornfields as the solution. Pardon my cynicism, but I don't expect any celebrities or Beltway elites to be giving up their lear jets and limos anytime soon.

4. The insistence that Islam is a "peaceful" religion that has been distorted by a radical few. Anyone who's studied the history of the religion knows its foundation is violence. Maybe I can cut him some slack on this one, given the realization that any other President (with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan) would probably follow the same PC path. Still, it is frustrating!

OK, some things I liked:

His bold defense of wiretapping Al-Qaeda operatives; urging the renewal of the Patriot Act (Did you catch the Madam's tight smile and look of righteous indignation in response to these?) and paying tribute to a fallen soldier and his family. The line-item veto thing was great, except for the laughable fact that he hasn't yet met a bill he didn't like. Any guesses as to how often he'd exercise such a privilege???

George Allen in '08, anyone?


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