Monday, February 06, 2006

One Final But Important Note (OK, two notes)

I regret I failed to recognize the Superbowl's glaring omission earlier, but Lisa at Two Babes and a Brain wants to know why the NFL forgot all about our Troops. Good question!

I too, was disgusted with the mutilation of the National Anthem, as sung by Aaron Neville and Aretha Franklin. And if it was appropriate to honor Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks, why not the very people who make it possible for such American citizens to stand up for freedom and civil rights?

And another thing....I suffered through Hurricane Wilma, along with thousands of fellow Floridians; Texans endured the wrath of Rita, and Pensacola natives dealt with two damaging Tropical storms (Cindy and Dennis), that added insult to injury after 2004's catastrophic Ivan. Are we not as important as the denizens of New Orleans??? Maybe because we are equipped and ready to deal with such natural disasters, preferring to take responsibility instead of blaming the Government, we aren't worthy of such recognition.


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