More fun with Google Earth
Here's a shot of Germantown as best I can figure it out. I know the names of certain important streets (Haines Street running SW-NE in center of frame and Ross Street - short street running NW to SE), but I must admit, my specific knowledge of the significance of these streets is lacking. I am sure Mark can step up:
Where was Big Pop's apothecary?
Where was dad's boyhood home? I assume Haines Street - is that right?
What other points of interest might there be, either in this frame or nearby on another map?
Where is Cardesa Street? I can't find it using that spelling, so maybe that's the issue? Is it in G-town or somewhere else in Philly? (For those who don't know, Cardesa Street was where Aunt Emma's home was located before moving to Warminster)

On homes of family members, here is big sister's place (the house that faces the corner diagonally at the intersection of the cul de sac and the long perpendicular street)

OK, I promise not to become a Google Earth bore, but this is so fun. And just for grins, I have to post this image of the Madam:

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