Bloc Quebecois!

That name sounds meaner than it probably is...
I'm almost ready to move to Alberta, guys, where I can get far away from the unholy liberal alliance of the tribe and bloods in West LA, and the tidal wave of illegals streaming in from Mexico (I read recently where English is not the first language spoken in almost 50% of the homes in L.A., a number that will continue to rise).
At least my home deep in the shrinking slice of heaven called South Orange County remains insulated...for now, at least.
Should I choose Calgary or Edmonton? Flames or Oilers? Stampeders or Eskimos?
(Frankly, I would prefer a little further west in B.C., and Vancouver, which is really one of the nicest cities I have ever visited).
Meanwhile, I still nominate Don Cherry for Prime Minister of Canada (check out one of those early January Don Cherry Coach's Corners I highlighted yesterday, where a Newfoundland politico suggested the same thing!).
Wondering if Bloc Quebecois is preparing Rejean Houle to lead their new government if and when they secede?...
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