Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Scooter and Rich


Not that representing a slimy client necessarily makes the lawyer slimy, and not for any reason other than the sake of accuracy, here's something I read about the professional relationship between Scooter Libby and Marc Rich:

Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff testified Thursday he believes prosecutors of billionaire financier Marc Rich "misconstrued the facts and the law" when they went after Rich on tax evasion charges.

The testimony from Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who represented Rich dating back to 1985 but stopped working for him in the spring of 2000, came during a contentious, hours-long House committee hearing into former President Bill Clinton's eleventh-hour pardons.

It appears from this that Libby did NOT represent Rich during Pardon-gate. True or false, Dan?


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