Monday, September 05, 2005

Dan messes with the atmospherics

Dan has started his blogging career with a post with which I agree. So much for daniswrong!

We are still awaiting the arrival of the other half of the Quad Squad, Mark and Bruce. Mark is my older brother, an attorney who met Bruce at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. Bruce was smart enough to drop out of law school and pursue his dream of writing for a sports publication (The Gold Sheet). He is, without a doubt, the most knowledgeable person regarding sports whom I have ever met. Mark hung in to get a law degree (transferring to Delaware Law School from Southwestern after two years on the Left Coast) and is a practicing attorney. I traveled with him coast-to-coast his first two years of law school; I suspect we will post some reminiscences about those journeys at some point.

Mark met Dan through the practice of law, but as that occurred while I was off at medical school (Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee), I don't know the complete back story. I hope Dan and Mark fill us all in at some point.

I am in upstate New York, Dan in Northern Virginia (when not in his car, heading somewhere), Mark in suburban Philadelphia, and Bruce in Southern California (bad ol' Orange County, with all them Rethuglicans). I am the youngest of the group, and another name we considered (forty-tude) was dropped, as fifty-tude looms large for the other three!


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