Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LinkedIn Network Updates, 6/19/2013

Network Updates, Jun 12 - Jun 19
Featured Updates
Mark DiGiovanni
Ron Sullivan
Mark DiGiovanni is now connected to Ron Sullivan
Updates from Your Extended Network
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Dr. Edgardo Rivera
Dr. Edgardo Rivera
Finding opportunity in FDA focus on drugged driving
Finding opportunity in FDA focus on drugged driving
With its recent actions on sleep aids and allergy medications, the FDA is demonstrating growing concern about the effects of prescription drugs on driving. One CRO is fielding a fleet of driving simulators to help manufacturers salve the agencys...
Patrick Kinsel
Patrick Kinsel Spindle has been acquired by Twitter
Spindle Joins The Flock!
Spindle Joins The Flock!
We’re very proud to announce that Spindle has been acquired by Twitter.  We’ve spent the past two and a half years building a product that helps you answer the question: “What’s happening nearby right now?” Every time we’ve experimented and looked...
Anthony Cavallaro
Anthony Cavallaro
Putting Life Into Perspective (Rich vs Broke)
Putting Life Into Perspective (Rich vs Broke)
In today’s society, there are millions of Americans that either do not have a job or dislike their current job that they are in.
Strong relationships anchor Suncoast's master plan - Tampa Bay...
Strong relationships anchor Suncoast's master plan - Tampa Bay...
TAMPA -- Bill Tamayo rode into town from Texas, packing years of experience and an ambitious business plan. He took the reins at Suncoast Roofers Supply Inc. after borrowing the down payment for the business and then embarked on his plan for...
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