Friday, February 10, 2006

The Katrina Hearings!

Will the lovable weatherman/chef/entrepreneur be called upon next?

Wow, love some of this rhetoric from the "Katrina" hearings! Things like "we have to make sure this never happens again!"

Granted, plenty of blame to be spread, and looks like FEMA is right in the crosshairs as they zero in on the aftermath. But what about the local and state fumbling before the storm hit? Wonder if they'll get around to calling some of those incompetents from the third world chocolate city of New Orleans or the backwater of Louisiana politics (like Gov. "Blabineux" Babineux) instead of focusing so hard on the fed response? Proper preparations and evacuation could have saved countless lives. This part should be on the local and state authorities, who indeed had well-designed plans for such a hurricane but never implemented them when they needed to last summer.

Then again, the only miracle is that it took a big hurricane so long to hit New Orleans and almost destroy it, as any large 'cane could have done since they built that city long ago in one of the worst places imaginable to build.

In retrospect, really, is it any wonder New Orleans turned into such a mess, with much of the populace a welfare haven? Of course I feel sorry for those people, but should we be surprised that many of them sat around and waited for the government to tell them what to do when the storm was bearing down? Many of the denizens of the 9th ward were probably so used to government handouts that when it came time to fend for themselves, they didn't know what to do. Couple that with the local (not fed) incompetence that failed to help many those people who truly needed help to get out of harm's way, and the recipe for unthinkable disaster was complete.

Interesting how a civilized state like Florida has limited its losses of life and avoided such overwhelming catastrophe despite being hit by even more hurricanes just as big and strong as Katrina.

But the "Katrina hearings" continue. Next thing you know, Joe Lieberman will be probably be summoning Al Roker to testify as a spokesman for all weathermen and women, and be asked what they can do to stop these terrible hurricanes from happening in the future!


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